February Forecast

Happy February!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
Sunshine glittering on water

February 1 - 10

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 5th, so expect a boost of energy to your thoughts and ideas. Simply be mindful of information overload. 

Sun squares Uranus on the 10th, which may encourage you to make a big change in your life. Don't stay in situations that lower your energy!

There's a New Moon in Aquarius on the 10th, so reflect on what your ideal world would look like if you had the power to shape society. You have the power to help make a difference!


February 11 - 17

Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th, which may motivate you to work with others towards a shared goal. It's also a great time for catching up with friends!

Mars will also be conjunct Pluto on this day, which will help you push forward on your most motivating goals. You've got this!

Venus enters Aquarius on the 16th, so it's time to take a more liberating approach to matters of money and love. Do things on your own terms to attract what you desire!

Full moon above clouds

February 18 - 24

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th - it's time for some spring cleaning for your mind, body, and soul. Schedule plenty of alone time and time to do art or other mindless activities (like cleaning or meditation). 

Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd, so you may begin to feel more dreamy and imaginative. Keep an eye out for messages that are sent your way!

There's a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th, asking us to take care of our mental state and physical body. Remember that perfectionism and repetitive worries do not serve you!

Glass of wine siting atop a book

February 25 - 29

Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 28th, helping you get down to business in a more practical and focused way. Honor any feelings of dreaminess or confusion that come up along the way.

Mercury sextiles Jupiter on the 29th, so invite new opportunities for abundance and growth by sharing your ideas with others! 

Venus also trines South Node on this day, so permission to release the things that no longer have a place in your life and feel GOOD about it through relaxation and self-care.

Monthly mantras
Heart drawn in condensation on window

1. I am gentle and loving with myself as I change, grow, and learn.

2. I am grateful for each day and the opportunity to create a life that I love.

3. I can choose to surround myself with people who make me feel valued and loved.


If you started reading your Natal Chart today…

✨In 1 day...

You’ll understand why you do things the way that you do and how it impacts your life.

✨In 2 days...

You’ll get answers to questions about your life path and feel more confident making decisions.

✨In 1 week...

You’ll discover what your purpose is and take back control of your life.

✨In 2 weeks...

You’ll improve your relationships and know where to turn when you need personalized and specific guidance.


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



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