Reading a Natal Chart Is Like Baking Cookies

Many people come to me confused about astrology or overwhelmed about the amount of information out there. How could you not be when one place says one thing, and another place says another thing. 😵‍💫 There’s SO much content out there, and if you desperately want answers about how to apply astrology to your life, but have no idea who to trust, you’re in the right place!

The solution to your confusion and overwhelm is simple (and no, it doesn’t involve unspecific horoscopes or astrology apps that hardly scratch the surface): it’s reading your own Natal Chart! Your Natal Chart, which recreates a map of the sky at the exact time, date, and location of your birth, provides mind-blowing insights that become your tools for guidance throughout your lifetime.

With the highly specific information from your Natal Chart…

  • You will go from feeling overwhelmed or anxious → To being at ease and confident

  • You will go from feeling burnt out or uninspired in your work → To knowing when it’s the right time to take the next step in your career

  • You will go from feeling lost or directionless → To understanding your path + purpose

  • You will go from feeling like there’s a disconnect in your relationships → To having healthy + fulfilling partnerships

  • And so much more!

And, if the thought of reading your own chart seems overwhelming or confusing in itself, don’t sweat! I’m a former Kindergarten teacher 👩‍🏫, so my specialty is in taking information and breaking it down to be as simple and easy to understand as possible. If I can make learning to read English (a wildly complicated language with contradictory rules) not only possible, but also fun for 5 year old’s, you know I can bring that skillset with me everywhere I go in life - including astrology!

My approach to reading Natal Charts is like baking cookies! 🍪 You want to add one ingredient at a time to a bowl and then blend them all together to get the final product. Sounds simple, and fun, right?? Well, let’s get baking!

The planets are our first ingredient.

They represent the central drives in a Natal Chart.

Such as:

  • The drive to love (❤️‍🔥Venus)

  • The drive to communicate (🗣 Mercury)

  • The drive to assert yourself (😤Mars)

The signs are our second ingredient.

They represent the manner through which the planets express themselves. For example, Mars in the fire sign of Leo 🔥 will assert themselves differently from Mars in the water sign of Pisces 🌊

The houses are our third ingredient.

They identify where in life the expression of the planets show up. For example, let’s say your Mars is in the sign of Leo and is also in the 4th house.

  • Mars = the dive to assert yourself 😤

  • Leo = shows up passionately 🔥

  • 4th house = within your home + family 👪

The aspects are our fourth, and last, ingredient.

They identify how the planets on your Natal Chart interact with each other. For example, if your Mars 😤 is sitting close to Venus ❤️‍🔥, these 2 planets blend and influence your life differently than someone whose Mars is sitting close to, say, Mercury, or isn’t sitting close to another planet at all.


So, starting with one planet on your Natal Chart (our first ingredient), look at what sign it’s in (our second ingredient), what house it’s in (our third ingredient), and if there are any aspects to it (our fourth ingredient).

Then, repeat this for the rest of the planets on your chart. You can see how simple reading your chart actually is when it’s broken down into manageable pieces like this!

When completed, you get a mix of the many parts of your chart! 🍪 Some parts of your chart are like the baking soda that dissolves and isn’t seen, and other parts are like the chocolate chips that remain visible throughout the entire process - meaning that the baking soda pieces are parts of your personality that only you know, or only a few people know, and the chocolate chip pieces are the parts of your personality that many people know!

Here’s what my client, Kaitlyn, said after reading her Natal Chart:

“Reading my chart, I have never felt more validated in who I am, and why I am the way I am. I feel like I have a clear path to follow and I understand myself so much better because of this!”

Ready to finally feel confident in who you are, your path through life, and your relationships? Want to be able to read your Natal Chart and improve your life in just ONE sitting?

Then book a free connection call today and let’s see if my Complete Natal Chart Program is perfect for you! ❤️


For more on your Natal Chart, check out this blog post.


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