August Forecast

Happy August!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
August Full Moon

August 1 -12

We're starting the month with a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st, highlighting the ways in which we're meant to make a difference in the world. Lean into anything that separates you from the crowd!

Mars also trines Jupiter on this day, so take action on something that you're passionate about!

Venus Retrograde squares Uranus on the 9th, so if anything urges you to revisit your desires, do so with an honest and radical approach.


August 13 - 19

Sun conjuncts Venus Retrograde on the 13th - permission to indulge in moments that feel really good! Reprioritize what you truly desire. 

Sun squares Uranus on the 15th, so keep this question in mind: Are you making decisions that align with your future or your past? Take the new path!

We also have the New Moon in Leo on the 16th, giving us a chance to set intentions for how we can live loudly and without fear of what others think or say. 

City overlook at night with moon

August 20 - 26

Mars is opposite Neptune on the 22nd, so be mindful of your limits today, as you may be drained of energy more easily.

Mercury Retrograde begins in Virgo on the 23rd, so use the next few weeks to reflect on the root causes that make it hard for you to be productive, healthy, or take care of yourself.

Sun also enters Virgo on this day, bringing us back to the basics after fun and playful Leo season. It's time to simplify, streamline, and get organized for the rest of the year!


August 27 - 31

Mars enters Libra on the 27th, which highlights our relationships and how they motivate us. Be sure that you feel truly happy and supported by those around you!

Uranus Retrograde begins on the 28th, so over the next 5 months, focus on making internal breakthroughs rather than external changes - these internal shifts can have a greater impact on our life during this time. 

We have a second Full Moon this month on the 30th, this time in Pisces, which highlights our higher purpose. Pay attention to your intuition and inner emotional world! Celebrate how far you've come while also ensuring that you are moving towards your dream vision.

Monthly mantras
Butterfly sitting on a person's finger

1. I embrace what makes me stand apart.

2. I am the creator of my best life.

3. I follow my own desires, not the expectations of others.

August Birthdays

Happy Solar Return, August birthday friends!

Take 10% off a Solar Return reading for you OR as a gift certificate to give a loved one for the most personalized, empowering, and helpful gift yet!

Simply email me to let me know you’d like to be added to my list or that you’d like a gift certificate!


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Apart from the content, these courses come with accompanying worksheets to help you follow along and make sense of your own chart! The crown jewel of it all is the Interpretation Guide - this guide is such a valuable and amazing resource tying in all of your learning together! I constantly go back to the guides to review the content and end up learning a little bit more every day! 

Adrianne really goes above and beyond to share her wealth of knowledge in many different ways (course, worksheet, guides, videos, etc.) and you can feel her passion come through! Thank you for creating such AMAZING resources!"

- Idanea


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



What to Watch During Leo Season


July Forecast